On April 24th, I made the trek back to the Peach State. The drive was exhausting and since it was just myself and our sweet pup Dawson, it was quiet. It took FIVE hours just to get through Texas. Dawson loved the car ride, and pretty much relaxed the whole way. I'm pretty sure we own the laziest lab ever.
Then, it was Louisiana, and the boring state of Mississippi. Needless to say, I was so very glad to get to my brother's apartment in Alabama that night. I loved being able to spend time with Daulton, since we've both been busy with becoming young adults, we haven't really spent much time together over the is past year. Friday morning, we went to the the much needed and missed southern eatery that is Waffle House before I drove the last three and a half hours home.
Being home was quite the adventure! Seeing the Wiz (of which my sister-in-laws were amazing in), baseball games, spending time with my grandparents, hanging out with my in-laws, visiting friends, delivering plaques, going to church, and surprising my great grandmother (who turns 90 this year!) were just a few of things I packed into my two week trip. I also went to visit all my sweet kiddos at Kennesaw Elementary, as well as my old-coworkers and boss. I missed all those little faces!

I had so much fun being surrounded by people that I love so very dearly, and wished that I could have seen everyone else that I wanted to (It was kind of an inconvenient time since it was finals week and right before Mother's Day)! Thankfully, I'll be coming home again in the next few months and Joel will be able to come also. We'll hopefully make the trip in one day, so we can have as much time at home as possible. Since it's just us and our sweet lazy pup, I had forgotten how hectic and loud it was being in such a big household. I left out on May 11th, and made the drive back in one day. It was A LOT easier of drive back since Texas is in the Central Time Zone, it didn't seem like to long of a drive. It was very nice to come back to my quiet clean home. Plus, I missed my husband! Since I've been home, we've started preparing for family to come visit and for the Texas heat in this upcoming summer.
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